fiction-related wikiprojects artinya
- wikiprojects: proyekwiki; wikiprojek
- active wikiprojects: proyekwiki status aktif; wikiprojek aktif
- geographical wikiprojects: wikiprojek geografi
- userboxes|wikiprojects: kotak pengguna|wikiprojek
- wikipedia wikiprojects: wikiprojek wikipedia
- wikiprojects by status: proyekwiki menurut status
- wikiprojects by topic: proyekwiki menurut topik
- fiction: fiksi; sesuatu yg dikarang; cereka; cerita rekaan; dongengan; anekdot; cerita; dongeng; rekaan; legenda
- be related: berhubungan
- related: berhubungan; berkaitan; berkerabat; tersambung; terkait; berkait; berkaum; bertali-tali; tertancap; bertalian; bersaudara
- related to: berhubungan dengan; berhubungan; berkait; terkait; berkaitan; bertalian
- user outer space wikiprojects: pengguna wikiprojek angkasa
- a work of fiction: hanya fiksi
- absurdist fiction: fiksi absurd
- action fiction: aksi (genre); fiksi laga